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Police bust in on a man who was using the bathroom to arrest him [VIDEO]

Police arrest a man while he is using the bathroom

Police arrest a man while he is using the bathroom

They say a person shouldn’t do the crime, if they can’t do the time. However, this guy wasn’t even able to get through the arrest. Whatever he did, he had the cops waiting on him. When the police were ready to arrest this guy, he was actually in the bathroom. The police officers were threatening to taser this man, but he was asking the cops if they could clean himself.

Over the years, law enforcement has been given a hard time. There have been several instances of cops assaulting innocent people. As a result, there are calls for the entire law enforcement to be reformed. On one side, people are saying just follow the officers’ instructions. Then, there are others who say abolish it all and start over. Nowhere do people opt to work things out somewhere in the middle.

When law enforcement came to arrest a guy, he was in the bathroom. Of all the times to get arrested, the man was doing the one thing in the bathroom that makes it hard to move. This didn’t matter, because the cops were still forcing him to move. While the cops were unseen, apparently they were threatening to taser him. Meanwhile, they guy kept asking if they’d let him clean himself up.


Police arrest a man while he is using the bathroom

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