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Man dressed as Spiderman jumps from the top of a subway to attack man who stole coffee from a random person

Man dressed as Spiderman attacks guy for stealing coffee

Man dressed as Spiderman attacks guy for stealing coffee

For a multitude of reasons, New York City is always making headlines. A city with such a large population is bound to have its fair share of personalities. As a result, people visiting the city are cautioned to pay very good attention to their surroundings. One person got their coffee snatched by a homeless man. However, as the homeless man was running off, a man in a Spiderman costume jumped from the top of a train to confront the man.

New York City is the largest city in America. As a result, it’s known as the place where dreams come true, eight million stories and all. However, people are also told if they can make it in NYC, they can make it anywhere. Indeed, New York is one of the toughest cities in the entire world. One of the facts of life is that everyone won’t make it. With that being the case, cities as big as New York have people who resort to things like stealing in order to make it.

While waiting on a subway, a man was enjoying his coffee. However, he took his focus off the drink for just a minute. During that span of time, there was a homeless man who managed to snatch the coffee from the man’s hand. After that, he ran off with it. Obviously disappointed, the man didn’t run after his coffee. But a man dressed like Spiderman who was on top of one of the subways saw the whole thing. As a result, he jumped from the train, and then attacked the man who stole the drink.


Man dressed as Spiderman attacks guy for stealing coffee

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