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Man breakdances for the police on the side of the street [VIDEO]

Man breakdances for the police on the side of the street

Man breakdances for the police on the side of the street

Typically, a video involving a civilian and the police does not have a peaceful ending. Thankfully, this one does. While some may be upset with what the civilian was doing, it was one of those rare, peaceful, moments. Moments involving the police and regular people are almost never friendly. However, this man was breakdancing while the police officers watched.

Obviously, the police have lost a lot of good will, among the public. Coverage from the media have shown the law in the worst way. As a result, the average person is stuck thinking everyone who works in law enforcement is the same. However, this is not the case, as everybody is their own person. That said, one bad person representing anything can ruin it for every other person associated.

One person decided to be the one to break the narrative of cops being negative. It’s unclear what city this man was in, but he put on a show. This man was some kind of breakdancing artist and he had the full attention of the police. The man began dancing for the cops. As a result, the officers began to surround the man and encourage him to keep dancing.

Man breakdances for the police on the side of the street

